
The Banjo Apocalypse Crinoline Troubadours are friends, writers, performers, and musicians who’ve banded together to share their work with the world. Scattered across the globe, they do not so much travel together as spontaneously occur. Whenever two or more are gathered, you can be sure of a well-dressed apocalypse.

Claire oceanC.S.E. Cooney  lives and writes in a well-appointed Rhode Island garret, right across the street from a Victorian Strolling Park. She is the author of How To Flirt in Faerieland and Other Wild Rhymes and Jack o’ the Hills. She won the 2011 Rhysling Award for her story-poem “The Sea King’s Second Bride.” Links to her work may be found here, where she also blogs.


seaweed authorpic cropAmal El-Mohtar is a Canadian-born child of the Mediterranean, currently living in Glasgow, Scotland. She received the 2009 Rhysling award for her poem “Song for an Ancient City,” and has received a Nebula nomination for “The Green Book,” a short story originally published in the Arab/Muslim issue of APEX magazine. Her work has appeared in many online and print publications, including STRANGE HORIZONS, WEIRD TALES, and IDEOMANCER.


BJCaitlynCaitlyn Paxson has pursued studies in writing, folklore, and performance in the United States, Canada, England, Scotland and France. She is the Managing Artistic Director of the Ottawa StoryTellers, and is happy to have a career firmly rooted in story after a series of odd jobs that include fiber arts consultant, legal document and poetry transcriber, and shepherdess. She is the assistant editor of GOBLIN FRUIT, plays the harp, and is learning to play the banjo. Her work has appeared in SHIMMER, CABINET DES FEES, MYTHIC DELIRIUM, and other publications.

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